Friday 9 January 2015

Most Recent PowerPoint

Dear all, 

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to you for not uploading the most recent PowerPoint on the blog. 

At present, I am experiencing some difficulty with accessing my desktop at the college. I have been informed that this will be rectified on Monday. 

As a result, I would like to provide you with some information to ensure you are acquiring the appropriate knowledge for your controlled assessment. 

By now, should be committing to memory the language features we looked at during this week's lesson. You should be able to identify these within the transcripts I gave you. Please also listen to the audio clips previously posted to help you with this. 

You also need to think about the two new terms you were introduced to during the lesson- sociolect and idiolect. Look at the language used in the two transcripts you have been given. Do you think that any of the speakers' language choices have been influenced by either concept?

I hope this helps. However, if you have any questions please feel free to email me. 


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