Wednesday 26 November 2014

Controlled Assessment Expectations

Dear all, 

I hope you are well and are all preparing for next week’s controlled assessment. I just want to clarify expectations for your next controlled assessment. 

 Please ensure that you do not exceed the proposed word limit. Please make sure that you do not supply a response with more than 1000 words. 

  Please note that you are expected to write ‘the text’ for a leaflet. Therefore, as explained previously, there is no need for you to concern yourself with layout or images. You will not be awarded any extra marks for following these conventions. You can of course create an image box and write a caption underneath explaining what would have been in the picture.

  Please also note that you are required to write about just one UK attraction. I know you have researched more than one, but this should enable you to make a well thought-out choice about the one you wish to write about in your controlled assessment. 

  When writing your assessment, I want you to pay particular attention to the purpose and audience for this task. Your purpose is to inform and your audience are teachers.

  You also need to ensure that you are writing in paragraphs, using a variety of sentence structures and making conscious choices in relation to vocabulary.

I hope the above information is useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email me. I will also be sending this information to your email addresses. 


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