Friday 14 November 2014

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences- Extension Task

Dear all, 

I hope you found this week's session useful and I hope that you realise just how much English underpins not just this course, your main course, but its application to work life. 

I think you would agree that the best way to impress an employer is with a well constructed  cover(ing) letter that boasts beautifully crafted sentences and sophisticated vocabulary. In fact, I dare you to disagree!

Your knowledge and active use of a range of sentence types will ensure that you are meeting one element of the mark scheme for your next controlled assessment. I also genuinely hope that you will make a conscious effort to embed this knowledge into your main courses. I am sure that your main tutors will be note the differences in your writing as you feel confident to use more than just the simple sentence. 

Where is my extension task, I hear you ask?!

Well, as the old saying goes, if you don't use it,you lose it. Therefore, if you do not actively practise using simple, complex and compound sentences you will probably fail to in your controlled assessment. 

As a result, I want you to write the beginning of a story (no more than one paragraph) and use the sentence types throughout to convey different effects. For example, if you write a horror story try to use a number of simple sentences to begin with and see what impact this has as you read it back to yourself.

Do make sure you use a range to enable you to practise this skill; it is  an art to be able to craft your writing in this way. 

When you've done this, share it with one of your colleagues and ask them to identify the sentence types you have used. 

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