Tuesday 14 October 2014

Assessment Materials

Dear all,

You mentioned yesterday that you experienced some difficulty accessing the controlled assessment materials. Please find attachments to them below:




All you need to do is copy and paste these links. If you have any problems, please email me personally. 

Please print these out and begin to annotate these documents with the information I have provided you with already.

For those of you who started just yesterday evening, please just look at the language features- try to identify these. If you feel confident enough explore the PEE structure we went through briefly yesterday. 

For those of you who have attended from the beginning or from the second week, I want you to try to identify and annotate both the leaflet and article in relation to colour, images, camera angle and language features.  If you feel confident, start linking your observations to the effects these choices have on the audience/readership and explain how they have targeted their readership and audience by making these choices. 

Good luck and have a productive week!


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