Saturday 25 October 2014

Mock Results- Evening Class

Dear all, 

 I wanted to make you aware that your Mock assessments have been marked and I am pleased to announce that in the main I was delighted with your efforts.

 As stated in class, I have taken into account that a majority of you have had very limited input due to late enrolment.

 However, I wanted to make you aware that I was very pleased with the quality of some of the responses. Surprisingly these were provided by students who joined the class late. I hope you will not mind me saying, but Madina, sabah and Nyase did particularly well. Both Saba and Madina joined on 13/10/2014. 

Therefore, this is proof that where you start is not important. It is how you finish that matters. You all have potential and access to the same resources. 

As long as you apply yourself and engage with the content, you will secure the grade you are looking for. 

 In an ideal world I would like to take full responsibility for Madina, Sabah and Nyase’s success, but the truth is they put in the hard work.

I hope their success not just inspires you, but encourages and motivates you to want to achieve! 


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