Saturday 25 October 2014

Of Mice and Men

As promised, please find below the version of the text you will receive in the exam (Approximately mid-late June).

The digits below are the ISBN for this copy. This will help you to locate the text from a bookshop. 


I would recommend that you do not begin reading this until the Christmas break; you are currently having to engage with a lot of material within a very short space of time.

However, if you feel you would like to begin reading, please write a brief summary of each section. It will enable you to refer to the plot more easily at a later date as we begin to analyse it. 

 If you feel confident to read it simultaneously there are benefits; it will give you ample opportunity to engage with the skills you need for the first controlled assessment. If so, as you are reading your text, annotate it in-line with the language features you have recently been acquainted with. Please do this in pencil.

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