Thursday 9 October 2014

Beginnings of a Model Response

It is abundantly clear that the creator of this front cover has developed this with the target audience in mind. The typography, linguistic choices, colours and camera angle explicitly target the magazine's teenage girl audience. 

The words '# good hair day' have been strategically positioned to attract the audience of this magazine. Teenage girls often aspire to appear and be just like Ariana Grande. This typography has been emblazoned over her luxurious locks and directs the audience to her hair. Moreover, the creator has embedded a hash tag sign just before this statement. This makes reference to the conventions you can find on a known social networking site exploited by the younger generation, of which teenage girls are a part. 

Equally if one observes the statement 'Spend No Money & Still Go Shopping', it can be argued that this is also fitting with the target audience. These are the types of things young people often utter in conversations with their parents when in pursuit of the latest fashion. 

Ariana Grande is also pictured smiling. The photographer has made use of an eye level angle and this encourages young girls to believe that she is addressing them on a personal level. This is especially important as young females not just idolise her, but want to meet her. 

There are a number of other features that you can analyse (as I am sure you are aware). This is just a very brief, five minute, analysis and I expect you to dedicate a lot more time to this activity.

For example, 'Is Tumblr messing with your mind?' What language feature is this? (We explored this recently). You need to undertake a thorough analysis of the materials you have been provided with and these are the features you need to be able to identify and then explain the effectiveness of its use. 

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